DJT: Impeachment Inquiry & 2016 Reflections

September 23rd was the Autumnal Equinox where the Earth is as close to balancing the darkness and light as it can get. Fitting metaphor for what is occurring for the 45th President of The United States of America, in recent days Saturn has stationed to move direct, a Grand Cardinal Cross activated during the EquinoxContinue reading “DJT: Impeachment Inquiry & 2016 Reflections”

Libra New Moon: Pick Your Oracle Card Pile

Happy Fall Y’all! Happy Libra Season! Happy Birthday to the early Libra babies! I write this early in the morning of September 23rd, the Autumnal Equinox (for the Northern Hemisphere). I hope these oracle card messages find you in good spirits. As I intend to only help, please take what resonates and if it doesn’tContinue reading “Libra New Moon: Pick Your Oracle Card Pile”

Saturn Stands Still at 13°54′ Capricorn: Deconstruction for the sake of Sacred Reconstruction

Hey Cosmic Cousins! Last Friday (the 13th) was the Harvest Moon. So, what in your world did the Full Moon in Pisces illuminate for your examination? In my last post about the Full Moon I mentioned something about Saturn standing still and we are now at that point in time. Saturn is known also asContinue reading “Saturn Stands Still at 13°54′ Capricorn: Deconstruction for the sake of Sacred Reconstruction”

21° Pisces Full Moon & Saturn stands still

It’s that time again, Cosmic Cousins! We have a Full Moon in Pisces at 21° dancing close to currently retrograde Neptune. This lunation will be taking place on September 13th or 14th dependent on where you’re at on the globe. Less than a week after the Harvest Full Moon, Saturn will be stationing direct whichContinue reading “21° Pisces Full Moon & Saturn stands still”

6° Virgo New Moon

Efficiency is anything that scores. Bruce Lee A New Moon cycle in Virgo at 6° begins on August 30, 2019 while there will be a LOT of Virgo energy at play during the seeding there will also be a T-Square between Jupiter in Sagittarius & Neptune Retrograde in Pisces. By the time the New MoonContinue reading “6° Virgo New Moon”

The glow up follows the blow up

If you’ve been keeping up: #Mars moved into Leo, then Mercury*, Leo’s ruler (the Sun) moved in a week ago & now Venus is bringing her glow up to the Leo kingdom. (Originally written late July 2019) Our action/drive/passion to communicate/move/think has been brought to our awareness for reflections on the need for creative change.Continue reading “The glow up follows the blow up”

Leo Eclipse Analysis 2017/2019

2017/2019 Leo Eclipse Analysis

January 21, 2019:
A total lunar eclipse was seen in the skies (weather permitted) across North and South America as well as far Western parts of the United Kingdom. This eclipse was powerful at 0° Leo, add to it was a total eclipse and add to that it was a Blood Moon. The media ran wild calling it by it’s full grown name: Total Blood Wolf Moon Lunar Eclipse, it put on a show if you were able to witness it. This Total Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse was a ‘reset’ of the August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse in Leo.

Any total eclipse of the moon or sun for that matter is a cosmic attention grabber, if you will. In this case it was a total lunar eclipse at the critical intiating degree of bold, fiery and fixed modality Leo.

This eclipse was dancing in harmony with an asteroid named Ceres. I understand Ceres to be the Goddess of Grain and Agriculture, representative of Mothers, Mothering, Motherhood and Nurturing. In the myth Ceres is the mother to Persephone (Venus) when Ceres’ daughter is abducted by Hades (Pluto) to the underworld it was Ceres who demanded her daughter’s safe return. The Gods ignored Ceres pleas so she defiantly threatened to make the ground bare until her daughter was returned. Eventually Ceres was granted her demand. Every year we see the story play out as the planet Venus moves from the morning star to the evening star. You’re wondering why I gave that back story aren’t you? Well, here’s why: that total lunar eclipse in Leo was dancing in harmony (trine) to Ceres at 28° Scorpio, a fixed modality water sign.

The beginning of the year started off with a bang when the bombogenesis cyclones hit the Midwest. There was flooding of historic porportion and snow melt that stalled farming communities from planting at a normal rate come spring time. The numbers aren’t good and agriculturally there has been ‘a perfect storm’ of events that have hit them. According to a Vice News report on the situation in Illinois the farmers say it’s a three pronged issue: First, the markets are down. Secondly, the tarriff’s imposed by President Trump are making an unforseen trade war impact on their wallets and finally the insane weather is making planting near impossible. In normal conditions 70% of Soy would have been planted but in contrast only 14% has even made it to fields. Corn is another major crop that is lagging behind only 58% has been planted in comparison to almost 90% should be in the ground by now.

An interesting thing I noticed while researching is there is a point where the 2017 and 2024 Total Solar Eclipses cross paths and that is around Little Cairo, Illinois. There were significant issues in agriculture in 2018 that required a Government subsidy on soy and corn fields. I understand that there are talks of subsidy on the fields this year as well but there will be no preference given to soy/corn and the payment is by the field planted, not the yield.

On the mothering and nurturing part of the theme: No matter your personal political affiliation (or belief structure) the fact remains there are families that were separated at the border. There are children in detainment compounds that have been sexually abused, there are some who have died. There are children who have been moved around with such poor record keeping and lack of foresight that there are fears that not everyone that was separated will be reunited.

Pi Puppis (0°35′ Leo) is a fixed star (in the sky) seen on the poop deck of the ship Argo Navis. Pi Puppis was dancing cheek to cheek (conjunct) with the eclipse at 0° Leo; the themes associated with that fixed star are as follows: Drowning, Rivers, Springs, Shipping, Seas, Trade and Voyages. The 2019 Leo Lunar Eclipse was seen over Canada as well. Trudeau and his office have been fighting back against allegations of intereference with investigations. Canada is also going to be (or already in the process of) receiving a few barges of garbage sent to Taiwan that President Duterte sent back to Canada claiming they were being taking advantage of.

The last topic I will muse on briefly is that of the eclipse impact in the United Kingdom as it was seen in the far Western parts as well. A young journalist named Lyra McKee was killed right before Easter holiday making many tense over the fragile Good Friday Peace Agreement disputes associated with Brexit negations. Speaking of Brexit, that eclipse gave the Brits another heart felt look at the situation to make a more informed decision. Seems, from my understanding it’s as confusing as it ever was and a new Prime Minister will be voted in as soon as Teresa May steps aside, according to her withdrawal plans.

July 31, 2019: A news article going further indepth on the budding agricultural crisis:

Crab Boil Season

It’s #Cancer Season y’all! So, grab that crab boil & dive in the rolling waters. ‘Tis the season for passive aggressive behaviors defending a hidden (but super squishy) vulnerability. ‘Feeling some type of way’ lets you know something isn’t sitting right with your spirit. Neptune went retrograde in #Pisces at 18°43′ on June 21, 2019Continue reading “Crab Boil Season”

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