Virgo New Moon: Pick a Pile

Pick a pile of Oracle Cards bringing you additional Virgo New Moon messages.

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad on

Pile 1: Chrysocolla/Amethyst tower

Pile 1 Theme: Graceful Grounding

Chakra Oracle Wisdom Card: Yellow symbolizes the Solar Plexus Chakra; intellect. Prayer: Your prayers are/will be answered. Cool Lemonade is a reminder that there is a plan, if you were sidetracked from your path, you will be guided back again to your calling. All prayers are answered; following where life leads being of SERVICE and fulfillment. Ask yourself If my most powerful thoughts are a form of prayer, How can I live in active prayer?

Meditation Oracle Card: Silence: Silence has a great therapeutic power. Finding and appreciating silence can help you to banish painful thoughts/emotions. Connect with silence; for its peace and grandeur. Turn your attentive nature to silence.

Sage Goddess Gemstone Oracle Card: Bronzite [Root Chakra] Graceful release; Letting go. It is time to let go of what no longer serves your highest good. Bronzite facilitates graceful mourning and recovery from loss. Cut the vibrational cords of connections that drain from the well from which you SERVE. Set yourself and your losses free.

Tao Oracle: Inner Truth #61: Your life is truly blessed right now. Trust the moment and allow treasure to spread to others by the way of your open hands. Ignore external cues and focus internally on what cheers you from the inside out. Wandering around in the past or projecting dreams into the future is the surest way to escape from the present. It may be time to remember that the real journey is from here to HERE. Turn your attention to your feet and do your best to stay connected to them.

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Pile 2: Amethyst/Rose Quartz tower

Pile 2 Theme: Control constricts creation

Chakra Oracle Wisdom Oracle: Purple symbolizes the Third Eye Chakra; intuition. Faith: What frightens you is something much smaller than you know. If you are experiencing pain, holding on tighter will worsen the situation. Your greatness awaits, as soon as you are willing to loosen your grip.

Meditation Oracle Card: Listening: People in unsuccessful relationships often complain about their partner’s unwillingness to listen. To achieve greater harmony, keep your ears and mind open to the desires/needs of others/ Listen for comprehension, NOT for your turn to speak.

Sage Goddess Gemstone Oracle: Shiva Lingam [Sacral Chakra]: Shiva Lingam is the stone of sexual energy or prana. It opens the kundalini, awakens passions, treats impotence/infertility, it sprus creativity. It’s time for your Sacral liberation, discovery, creative inspiration. Meditate with Shiva Lingam to ignite sexual magick, welcome a creative breakthrough and align with the Divine.

Tao Oracle: Development #53: Without cooperation, respect, mutual attraction and shared vision, its is likely that you will stumble when the going gets tough. Consider the possibility that hinderances arise for a reason and that the present lesson might not be about achieving goals but about learning to pace yourself. The circumstances are likely to remain as they are for a while, so how you embrace them is totally up to you. Even if you have to walk among strangers, it’s the journey that’s important NOW and NOT the names and family histories of your fellow travelers. True humility, real humbleness is compassionate to others no matter where they are on the/their path.

Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on

Pile 3: Tigers Eye/Lapis Lazuli tower

Pile 3 Theme: Perseverance promotes prosperity

Chakra Wisdom Oracle Card: Orange symbolizes the Sacral Chakra and the emotional. Perseverance: When we do our chosen work, we are serving the highest order. If we stop, we upset universal balance. What you work towards will materialize. You may not see it but it lies ahead. Focus on overcoming doubts (yours & others), breakthroughs, unseen help at work. Ask yourself Can I ignore the feelings that would sidetrack me? Will I let go of fear and persevere?

Meditation Oracle Card: Warmth: Cultivating the quality of warmth can help us all to project a healthy balance of emotions; neither too detached nor too swift to take offense. Gentle warmth helps to ease frayed tempers and lightens passionate exchanges.

Sage Goddess Gemstone Oracle Card: Tiger’s Eye: [Solar Plexus Chakra/Root Chakra] Tiger’s Eye activates the workings of the mind in profound ways while protecting you with deep, ancient wisdom. You need mental clarity and empowerment in your decision making. Tiger’s Eye can help you gain insight from your guides, to come to fair and informed conclusions while weighing both sides of a circumstance or situation.

Tao Oracle: Prosperity #14: Don’t count your chickens before your eggs hatch. It;s a rare intelligence that knows what to do with abundance when it comes your way, so that you can maximize the situation and make it work for you. Knowing how to create wealth is a talent just as much as painting or composing music. Even if coins aren’t jingling in your own private pockets, remember existence is always generous enough to include you, too. As long as you remember to keep everything in perspective, to be grateful for your undeserved good fortune and to know that the work will be there to tackle in the morning; You will be able to enjoy the view for quite some time to come.

Photo by Alex Fu on

I hope these messages found you in good spirits. I intend to only help so take what resonates and if it doesn’t apply; let it slide. If you enjoyed these messages like this posting so I can continue to provide them for you.

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Published by Sweet Tea Astrology & Tarot

Astrology revealed it's truth to me after surviving a near death experience initiated by a Total Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse. My big three are Aries Sun, Taurus Moon & Scorpio Rising; Uranus is within 5° of my ASC line.

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